In this post, I mention that Peano existence theorem is valid for finite dimensional vector spaces, but not for Banach spaces of infinite dimension. I highlight here a second property of ordinary differential equations which is valid for finite dimensional vector spaces but not for infinite dimensional Banach spaces.
We consider a Banach space E, a real interval I with t0 as right endpoint and a function f defined on I×E with codomain E having following properties:
- f is continuous.
- f is locally Lipschitz continuous which means that for every point (t,x)∈I×E we can find a neighborhood V of t, a neighborhood W of x and a number k>0 such that ‖f(s,x1)−f(s,x2)‖≤k‖x1–x2‖ for all s∈V and all x1,x2∈W.
With above conditions met and according to the Picard–Lindelöf theorem, the differential equation x′=f(t,x) is having a unique maximal solution u to the initial value problem x(t)=x0 defined on an interval J⊆I.
If J≠I and E of finite dimension, one can prove that limt→a+u(t)=+∞ where a is J lower endpoint. This might not be the case when E if of infinite dimension. Following counterexample is from the French mathematician Jean Dieudonné.
We pick up for E the Banach space of real sequences converging to 0 for the norm ‖x‖=supn|xn| and define as en the sequence whose terms are all vanishing except the one of index n whose value is equal to 1. For all n∈N, we define the map from E to E:
fn(x)=[2(xn+xn+1)−1]+(en+1−en) with x=(xm)∈E.
fn is lipschitz continuous, vanishes on the closed ball ‖x‖≤14 and fn(x)=en+1−en for x=λen+(1−λ)en+1 where λ is any real. For all integers n>0, we pick up a continuous positive map φn defined on the interval [1n+1,1n], vanishing at the endpoints of this interval and such that ∫1n1n+1φn(t)dt=1.
Let I=(−∞,1] and define the map:
f:I×E⟶E(t,x)⟼0 for t≤0(t,x)⟼φn(t)fn(x) for t∈[1n+1,1n]
It is clear that f is continuous and locally Lipschitz continuous at all points (t0,x0)∈I×E for t0≠0. We prove that the assertion is also true at all points (0,a) with a=(an). Because a converges to zero, one can find m∈N such that |an|≤18 for n≥m. Hence for x∈E and ‖x–a‖≤18 we get |xn|≤14 for n≥m and therefore fn(x)=0 for all n≥m. Finally, f(t,x) vanishes for t∈[0,1m] and ‖x–a‖≤18 leading to the expected conclusion.
We now define a sequence (for n≥1) of maps vn:I ↦E:
v1(t)={0 for t<12e1+(e2−e1)∫1tφ1(s)ds for 12≤t≤1 and for n≥2:
vn(t)={0 for t<1n+1 or t>1n(en+1−en)∫1ntφn(s)ds for 1n+1≤t≤1n For 0<t≤1, the series u(t)=∞∑n=1vn(t) is eventually vanishing and therefore well defined. For 1n+1≤t≤1n we have u(t)=en+(en+1−en)∫1ntφn(s)ds which implies that ‖u(t)‖≤1 for 0<t≤1, and is differentiable in this interval. Considering the definition of f we get u′(t)=−f(t,u(t)). We also notice that u(1/n)=en for all positive integers. Hence, u(t) has no limit when t tends to 0. Consequently u is a solution of the initial value problem x′(t)=−f(t,x(t)) and x(1)=e1. J=(0,1] is the maximal interval of the solution u.
We have proven that J≠I while u(t) remains bounded on J as desired.
Dear Jean-Pierre Merx,
Thanks for another enlightening example!
I think there is a typo in the definition of $v_n$ for $n \ge 2$: instead of $\varphi_1$ shouldn’t be $\varphi_n$?
Thanks and best regards!
Dear Tadashi,
Thank you for your attentive reading. You’re absolutely right. And I made the relevant modification.$
Best regards, Jean-Pierre.