We consider here a measure space (Ω,A,μ) and T⊂R a topological subspace. For a map f:T×Ω→R such that for all t∈T the map f(t,⋅):Ω⟶Rω⟼f(t,ω) is integrable, one can define the function F:T⟶Rt⟼∫Ωf(t,ω) dμ(ω)
Following theorem is well known (and can be proven using dominated convergence theorem):
THEOREM for an adherent point x∈T, if
- ∀ω∈Ωlimt→xf(t,ω)=φ(ω)
- There exists a map g:Ω→R such that ∀t∈T,∀ω∈Ω, |f(t,ω)|≤g(ω)
then φ is integrable and limt→xF(t)=∫Ωφ(ω) dμ(ω)
In other words, one can switch lim and ∫ signs.
We provide here a counterexample showing that the conclusion of the theorem might not hold if f is not bounded by a function g as supposed in the premises of the theorem.
Let’s consider f:[0,∞)×[0,∞)⟶R(t,ω)⟼te−tω For all t∈[0,∞), the map ω↦f(t,ω) is integrable on [0,∞). Therefore, one can define F:[0,∞)⟶Rt⟼∫∞0te−tω dω
Moreover for all ω∈[0,∞), f(0,ω)=0 hence F(0)=0. And for t≠0, F(t)=∫∞0te−tω dω=1.
Finally limt→0∫∞0te−tω dω=1≠0=∫∞0limt→0(te−tω) dω
One can verify that for ω∈(0,∞), the maximum of t↦te−tω is obtained for t=1ω and is equal to 1eω. Hence a map g as defined in the hypotheses of the theorem is forced to satisfy the inequality 1eω≤g(ω) and cannot be integrable.